Five Pillars For Creating Success Path For Kidbizo Kids
1: Imagine Your Child Being Handheld By A winning Team, Who Knows How To Create Successful Ventures

The first part is extremely powerful:
It is having an online business team with practical experience in creating successful internet ventures. This is then complimented by people who have worked for many years dealing with Children’s confidence and situation handling. The lesson creators are encouraged to be as creative as possible to make sure kids can understand, relate and love the lessons being thought.
Their mindset and confidence increases with each lesson and the knowledge they gain remains with them for rest of their lives. They have no boundaries as long as what they reach, fits with our mission : To prepare kids for “Game of life” with a positive mindset, situation handling and business creation.
We then take the lessons and put them through a very rigorous qualitative and quantitative testing process. The combination of creative lesson planning and solid research methodology has consistently ensured that we bring new, exciting and winnable mindset to children.
2: Creativity As A Power Source To Create Easy Life Blueprint For Your Child

Creativity is hugely powerful in building elements for our content and context through our lessons. We work with some of the best internet minds, designers, copywriters, marketing experts, often encouraging them to break the rules in search of new creative breakthroughs. One of the best example we can provide was to take the entire “worker” and “business owner” concept and make it easy to understand for young kids and teens. Allowing them to choose if they want to work for someone or be the Boss. After long planning sessions, it was presented in two simple questions :
Do you want an Easy life
Do you want to live a hard life
Easy life = Owning your own successful business and creating your own rules
Hard life = Work for someone else and follow their rules.
Not only do kids understood the importance of business but they love it.
Ask any of the KidBizo kids if they want an “Easy life” or “Hard life” and they will not hesitate for a second in picking “Easy life”.
We have also developed multi step innovative processes that bring in marketing geniuses, business concept experts, confidence specialists, child behavioral learning PHD’s and other creative people together to brainstorm concepts and approaches and review the lessons before they go into production.
3: How To Make Sure Your Kids Remember Things For Rest Of Their Lives

Third part of the success is the attention we pay to our kids. We review the learning of children in two areas :
1- The acquisition of the knowledge through the lessons being thought and
2- The enhancement and shifting of that knowledge from “short term memory” to the “long term memory” area of the brain so kids can remember it for the rest of their lives. Making sure the kids remember what they are being thought is an essential element of their future growth.
4: Did You Know Real World Practice Is Even More Important Than Talent?

The fourth element of success, and one that is often overlooked, is the efficient and responsive practice through short quizzes but most importantly the enhancement of learning with real world practice.
We also make sure you as the parent contribute to it by interacting with your children. Parents are encouraged to go through the lessons themselves so that the questions being asked in the lessons can be reminded on a regular basis in your interaction with your children.
This partnership between parents and us to prepare the kids for “ The Game of Life” is critical in building the future leaders of tomorrow right now. The best products or promotions can be rendered useless if this supposedly “unglamorous” aspect of KidBizo is overlooked.
5: Implementation of real action

The fifth element of success is to take the knowledge being thought and translate it, into actual businesses for these kids. Theory without practical application can only go so far. This is their time to understand, test and launch businesses with confidence.
The years kids have now are so vital in helping them to find success and fine-tune the creation process to fit individual paths. God gave them the Nature, during these early years …. Along with the parents, we will provide them the “Nurture” to help them do the best in whatever fields they set their sights on.
These are the five pillars that we are paying attention to and constantly improving upon.
We utilize these five pillars to Enable Children To Learn and Grow Their Own Business, Mindset and Future. These pillars will ensure the success of children and help them become massively successful in all areas of their lives.