Kid Entrepreneur Academy Summer Camp Heston

Kid Entrepreneur Academy Summer Camp Heston

Kid Entrepreneur Academy summer camp Heston. When you think of an entrepreneur, who comes to mind? Richard Branson, Alan Sugar? Hard work and dedication has given them the opportunity to control there own lifestyle and they have been able to escape from the rat race.

How about closer to home? Heston industrial estate is home to entrepreneurs running their businesses, Mimis off the Great West Road is run by entrepreneurs. Small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) are the backbone of Britain and from here some expand to become behemoths in the corporate world or they are taken over by bigger businesses and the owner gains an payout.

How did they manage this? For some it can be the fortune of having entrepreneur parents who show them the way, for others a tidy inheritance that give them a jump start and still for other a hard graft and learning through mistakes.

Most people enter running their own business in the later decades of life, a few get in sooner and a tiny number start from childhood. We all want the best for our kids, wanting to give them the best head start in life. We want to give them opportunities that we didn’t get a chance to have.

No one should deny traditional education as a means to attain firm grounding for future academic success. However, consider this . Is the current education system really giving your child the tools to get ahead in the real word quickly enough, or is it bogged down by having to cater for children of so many abilities?

Parents spend thousands on tutoring their children and rightly so. Apart from the traditional subjects, have you ever thought about giving your children the tools for success in business. Entrepreneurship combines math, creativity, and positive mental attitude along with real life scenarios to teach your child the tools to get a head and succeed. 

Why business?

There is a difference between a employee and an employer however much skilled an employee is. A employee is governed by a set of rules that they themselves cannot choose whereas an employer sets the rules (within reason) in term of how they will work.

An employee is only as useful as they company needs them to be whereas an employer is the company and cannot outlive their usefulness. To the point that they may not be as qualified as their employees but due to their position as company director, the company cannot run without their leadership.

An employer has a degree of time and location freedom that the employee cannot have. The employee is expected to turn up to work as contracted and is limited in time and location freedom they can have in terms of the number of holidays they can take.

Did you know that most students when asked, what do you want to be when you grow up will seldom say company director , entrepreneur. Instead answering, fireman, teacher, doctor etc. Why is this? What stops them from thinking outside the box?

The entrepreneur mind

The entrepreneur sets the vision and the path, bringing in the expertise to put it into action. The entrepreneur thinks outside the box and is only limited by the resources they have at their disposal to actualise their vision.

How does Kidbizo turn your kids into entrepreneurs.

Kidbizo takes your children through a journey in freeing their minds of the limits imposed on them by the educational sytem .
It will inculcate in them the ability to feel they can bring creative ideas to life.
It will give them real world tools that can be used and implemented and show them real time results.

By | 2018-08-14T07:54:57+00:00 July 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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