What To Do If Your Child Is Failing In High School

What To Do If Your Child Is Failing In High School

Every parent’s dream is that one day their kids will grow up into responsible men and women and be able to get a good job to take care of themselves and their families. This looks plausible until your kids start failing in school. This can be frustrating and scary. After all, failed classes could mean a lower GPA, trouble getting into college, and perhaps even trouble to graduate from high school on time.

When high school students fall behind in their classes, catching up can be quite difficult. When grades begin to plummet, many teens give up.

If your teen is failing a class—or he’s already failed the entire semester—take action. There are several things you can do to address the issue and we’ve taken out time to highlight them below.

1. Identify the Problem

If your teen has a failing grade or is in danger of not passing, sit down and discuss the problem. Ask your teen for help uncovering the reasons he’s not passing. Sometimes students who start out strong get sidetracked while other students just aren’t motivated to stay on track.

Have a chat with your teen and examine whether or not any of these issues have contributed to a failing grade. Make sure to find out the answers to the following questions:

Are the classes too hard?

Sometimes teens sign up for classes that are just too difficult and they become overwhelmed.

Is your child not doing the homework?

If your teen isn’t doing homework, it will be extremely difficult to pass a class. Find out if homework isn’t completed, not turned in on time, or if your child doesn’t understand how to do it.

Are low test scores a problem?

Some students struggle with test anxiety or aren’t sure how to study for tests.

Has your child had a lot of absences?

If your child has missed school due to illness or other issues, it can severely interfere with grades.

Is your child under a lot of stress?

If your teen is stressed out, he may have difficulty concentrating and completing his work.

Could a mental health issue be part of the problem?

Mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety often contribute to failing grades. Substance abuse issues can also be a factor in declining grades

2. Talk to the Teachers

Although your teen may not want you to talk to the teachers, it’s important to speak with them to help determine the problem. Your teen may not be aware that he’s not paying attention in class or that he’s missing a lot of work. Ask for teachers’ opinions about what your child needs to do differently to pass the class.

Consider whether your child may have a learning disability as well. Sometimes learning disabilities or ADHD go undiagnosed until the high school years. Inquire about whether or not educational or psychological testing could be helpful.

3. Problem-Solve with Your Teen

After your research and you now have a better idea of why he is failing, sit down and problem-solve with your teen. Have a chat with him about his ideas about how he can improve his grade. Sometimes, simple yet creative solutions can make a big difference.

After this discussion, make sure you’re able to answer the following questions:

Does he need more structure with homework?

Some teens just can’t handle having too much freedom about when and where to do their work. Establishing a scheduled homework time can help.

Does he have difficulty remembering what he has for homework?

Teens who are disorganized often misplace their papers or forget to bring their work home. Identify strategies to help your teen get more organized.

Does he forget to write down his assignments?

Some teens try to remember all of their assignments without an assignment book. Other teens forget to write their assignments down. Having your teen write down his work and asking the teacher to initial it after each class can ensure that his assignments are written down.

Does he need extra help?

Many teens are afraid to ask for help because they are embarrassed or they just don’t understand, even when the teacher tries to explain the concepts again. Staying after school for extra help, meeting with a tutor or joining a homework club can be helpful strategies for many students.

Is he just not motivated to do his work?

Sometimes teens just aren’t all that motivated to complete their work. They may have lost interest or are just bored with a particular subject. Discuss strategies that will help motivate your teen to get his work done.


After having discussions with your kid and his teacher, if you still can’t answer most of these questions, you might have to look for a subtle way of checking out the people he hangs out with. If they too are failing in school, there’s a high possibility that you’re dealing with a case of peer influence here.

It’s important that you always remember that in all that you do, your goal is in making your teenage kid a better student and to do this, you need to encourage him. You, therefore, need to be careful not to come off as a nagging parent or an overbearing nanny.

By | 2018-07-16T14:20:29+00:00 July 16th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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