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So far Valentine has created 13 blog entries.

What To Do When Your Child Does Something Mean

Kids can be little loveable angels at times, other times, they can do things that would have you wondering what actually came over them. In some of these cases, the kids aren’t aware that they’re being mean. In other cases, they’re actually very aware of what they’re doing. In any case, you still need to take seriously when you see your child being mean. Why Are Kids Mean? Over the years, psychologists all around the world have been doing studies to discover some of the underlying reasons why kids tend to be mean, especially to other kids. What makes little kids mean, and why are some meaner than others? Is it in their DNA, the media they consume, or their home environment? There’s no one answer to this question, but there are a few things we know about what brings out the dark side of little kid behavior. 1. Testing social dynamics In the preschool years, kids begin to figure out social structures and learn how to be effective in a group. If close attention is paid to kids during school hours, it’s clear that a lot of the insults, grabbing, and put-downs are part of this experimentation with social dynamics. If I do x, will my friend do y? So kids get to learn that meanness can draw attention and wield power. If a child rises to the top of the pack by intimidating or putting down others, it’s a technique that might just stick. 2. Television We’ve all heard that violent screen time make kids more physically aggressive. But surprisingly, educational TV (which most of our kids watch regularly) seems to make kids mean in a different way. Shocking, right? Studies have shown that the more educational television kids watch, the more relationally aggressive (manipulative, insulting, and so forth) they are to their peers. Shows like PBS’ Arthur seem innocuous, but the lessons aren’t as desirable as we think. Researchers say that children’s programming contains a heavy dose of name-calling and put-downs that parents would never condone if it happened in real life. Even though the end of a show might have a nice moral conclusion, if 90 percent of the screen time is rude and hurtful, that will be the takeaway. Listen to the content of your kid’s shows to see how they stack up when it comes to relational aggression. How often does a character insult or boss another around? It’s hard to find media that doesn’t hinge on this type of banter (in fact, researchers have found that most kids shows do). 3. The home front There’s no doubt that kids learn a lot about how to treat others from how they are treated at home. Harsh parenting, including verbal and physical aggression, increases the likelihood that a kid will, in turn, be aggressive (although for kids who are wired sensitively, this seems to not be the case — they tend to internalize their struggles rather than lash out, so they may not be the [...]

By | 2018-07-13T17:49:34+00:00 July 14th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

What To Do When Your Child Hates Reading

Reading does more to the human mind than meets the eye. It doesn’t just end at the knowledge you acquire but goes beyond that to giving you a more open mind and giving you an edge over your companions. So when your kids hate reading, it is actually kind of a big deal. Don’t see it as one of those things that they might just grow out of, even though it’s possible that they might on their own. But a child’s reading habit shouldn’t be one of those things that a parent leaves in the hands of the teacher or society. 10 Reasons Why Reading is Important For Kids: 1. It expands their vocabulary When kids read, they might come across words they have never heard of. This will further lead them to try to find out what these words mean. As a result, they add it to their vocabulary. 2. It makes them better at it As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, right? The best way to get better at reading is just to do it! 3. It helps build independence and self-confidence Are you looking for an additional way to help build your kid's confidence? Getting them to be good readers is one way you can successfully do that. Also, as they learn how to read, they no longer have to depend on others (parents or older ones) to read things to them. They now develop a sense of independence. 4. It keeps them safe Being able to read can help keep kids safe as they can read traffic signs in cases where they're lost or to help them avoid danger. Reading allows kids to understand when something says it could harm them. 5. It helps them make sense of the world around them The better they are at reading, the more they are able to tell what things around them say. They can understand what stickers or labels are trying to say. 6. It leads to their future academic success It's quite obvious that a child can only progress through school if they're able to read well. Reading is important to enable kids to be able to follow instructions on the test and being able to even understand or answer the questions. 7. It enhances their imagination A child's ability to read helps them enhance their imaginations. They might even create their own little world, as well. Reading enhances their imagination by forcing them to picture what the character actually looks like and who they are. 8. It entertains them It gives them something good to do – especially once they can start reading chapter books with no pictures, forcing them to really get into their imagination and therefore, really get into the book as well. 9. It improves their grammar Through reading, they can see how the author composed their sentence structure and grammar. This can also help improve their communication skills as they determine how it should be read using clues such as punctuation. 10. It improves [...]

By | 2018-07-13T17:31:21+00:00 July 13th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

First Step To Starting An Amazon Business For Your Kids

The most certain way to guarantee that your kids don't face the problem of having to struggle to get a job is by making entrepreneurs while they're still young. With the rate of unemployment increasing by the day, one of the only sure ways to deal with this is by teaching kids how to be entrepreneurs. Obviously, very few kids would see the sense of them starting up a business while they're young because to them, as far as they are concerned, business is for adults. But as a wise parent or guardian, you must understand the importance of getting them to start while they're young. You're not only securing a future for them but you're also saving yourself some finances in the long run. So inasmuch as you might need to invest money right now, in the long run, this business might yield enough profit to probably take care of the child's needs. Also, you're also teaching your kid how to be self-independent from a very young age. The Amazon business is one of the best businesses you can start up for your kids. What you'll need to start an amazon business: A budget (To be more realistic, start from $2,000 upwards) A somewhat creative mind Two hours per day to work on this  Internet connection  A legal company (LTD UK or LLC USA) A bank account  A graphic designer Private label supplier to work with Freight forward contact for oversea shipments A mindset of mastery (believe and you shall achieve) Your kids will obviously need your support when it comes to a lot of this, but with time, they'll probably get used to most of it. The Process: 1. Find a suitable product you want to sell Before you start your business, you clearly need to select the product that you'd want to sell and before you select that product, you need to do enough of background research. This research is to make sure that you pick the right product that is most likely to be successful on Amazon. Any product you eventually pick must have the following qualities: Ability to create recurring demand Exclusivity Falling within a specific price range Non-Perishable Small Size and lightweight Note: Avoid big brands!   2. Find the ideal supplier for your product First off, you want to make sure that whichever supplier you choose, is valid and can guarantee you quality products. It is always better to search for local procurement options. The near vicinity of the supplier and your warehouse is going to solve a lot on logistics cost. You can also choose to import your product from outside the country. Importing from somewhere like China will save you a lot on the cost price but will definitely incur logistic cost.     3. Packaging After identifying the products and supplier, the next thing you should do is to find your competitors on Amazon and see how they package this same products. You aim is to see how you can beat [...]

By | 2018-05-10T13:12:00+00:00 May 9th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments