What To Do When You Find Out That Your Child Hates Studying

What To Do When You Find Out That Your Child Hates Studying

As a parent, you have great dreams for your kids. You dream that they’ll grow and be successful in whatever they do, be able to provide for themselves and their families and probably even take proper care of you when you’re grey and old. But then, you realize that your kid just dislikes studying and you just can’t understand why. Normally, most kids naturally would prefer doing other things to studying but when it comes to a point where your child actually “hates” studying, then something needs to be done.

How do you handle such situations without making matters worse? Well, read on to learn more.

Note: It is important to note that studying isn’t just about school. It has been scientifically proven that reading helps to shape your mind and helps you in other aspects of your life outside of school.

What to do when your child hates studying:

1. Understand The Cause For Dislike

Your first step should be to find out why the kid exactly your kid dislikes reading so much. Is it that the book not stimulating his brains or his senses? Is the child having difficulty remembering things learned in school? Is the kid absorbed with something else? Are the child’s interests at loggerheads with the studies?

With a carefully charted conversation, make sure you try your best to understand why your child does not like studies at all. Once you get to the root cause, creative solutions can be formulated to deal with the issue.

2. Plain Reading Is Boring

The truth is that children in school are at their peak of creativity. They derive pleasure in imagining things and knit stories around them. So if you want to teach them to learn, don’t just sit there and force them to learn. You have to give wings to their imaginations. Try to make use of colorful pictures, videos, and presentation to teach them.

3. Interactive Study Is Good For Memory

When it’s few weeks towards exams and your child has to memorize a lot, don’t give them a sheet of questions to write the answers. They’ll just find that boring and sometimes even irritating. What you want to do is look for a more creative and interactive way to have them remember. Have a role play activity. Let your child be a celebrity and you interview him or her. Frame your question to mimic a real interview and let the child answer. This will ensure that the child has learned the chapters and it does not resemble a boring study routine.

4. Don The Role Of A Student

From research conducted in schools, involving students and their teachers, it was found that children love to enact their teachers. So why not use that as an opportunity to have them learn more.

You become the student and try to involve other family members in this imaginary classroom. Tell your child to be the teacher and teach you the lessons of the day. You ask a question in between to check if he or she has a clear understanding of the subject.

5. Make The Mundane Lessons Relatable To Life

On weekends, take your child out on trips and teach while they are away from a serious study environment. Take them to museums, forts, and castles and help them relate to history. Use everyday objects to explain concepts taught at school. It is only when they see things for real, they will feel like taking a real interest in them.

6. Make Study Time A Fun Event

One of the major things that throw children off is when you try to be way serious with them. Avoid scolding your child when they refuse to study. Instead, think of fun things to ensure that the learning continues while they enjoy themselves. Play their favorite songs and suddenly stop in between to ask a question or do a math problem. They will do it quickly because they know that the sooner they finish, the sooner the song and dance will resume.

7. Sometimes Just Let Them Be

This is a passive technique to make children do things they don’t like. If children are adamant about not studying, give them a cold expression and let them not study. Don’t speak to them or indulge in any fun activity. When a fun mom turns grumpy, children will do their best to get her to smile, even if it means finishing their studies. This might seem very silly, but it sure does work wonders.

8. Patience Is The Key

One of the worst mistakes you could ever make is to try to force a study habit on your kids. They’ll only end up hating it the more. It is okay if your child does not like studying. With time, we have all learned to write our exams and pass our tests. So your child will learn too. Don’t force it on them and make the whole thing a bitter experience. Try to be as creative and fun as possible to get your child to enjoy the study time.

9. Always Stick To The Study Schedule

Children should be used to a study time every day. No matter what you are doing, or where you are, a fixed time during the day should be dedicated to studies. Do not skip this. Let them get habituated to this time. Whether they like studying or not, over a period of time, children will be conditioned to study during their study time.

10. Keep In Touch With School

Kids are very sensitive. A small incident can trigger a massive reaction in them. You are watchful when he or she is at home. So you know exactly what is going on. But it is equally important to keep a tab on what’s going on in school. Speak to the teachers at regular intervals to know your child’s performance and behavior.


These are a few sure ways that can help improve your kid’s study habits. It is important to have in mind that if your kids hate studying, it might take time before you see any notable development. Just keep applying these techniques and give it time.

By | 2018-07-16T15:06:57+00:00 July 16th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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